Caffeine and Crypto - 05/13/24

Roaring Kitty Is Back, A Message From Shibo, Wake up bae, retail is coming


NFTs Memes and Lowcaps

We shouldn't have to wait for Roaring Kitty to come back for us to band together against the powers that be. I understand that crypto is PvP, but if we continue to cannibalize each other's liquidity, we will be no better than the traditional finance system in due time. It's time we come together and really show the world what we're all about. There will be a meme that giga sends this cycle. I don’t know if the liquidity pool is created yet, or if the token even exists yet. But I do know one thing: the meme that giga sends will be led by absolute chads who want to say "Fuck You" to the man. - Shibo